Every inane pic

Al said it was my turn to do a blog post, but I'm lazy so I'm just going to dump some photos and pretend that I'll write something vaguely interesting later on.

Al with a beer 74905

Al and lovely Ben, kindest of all hosts

Al's new diet consists purely of apples, couscous and ice cream

 I am in love with this face

Most fucking delicious ice cream ever

Post apocalyptic beach

It was a wild Saturday night

Bravest of babies VI

Bravest of babies VII

Tom by a waterfall

Al by the sea

Tom on a rock

God, there are so many landscapes, soz

She made me pose for this for so long

Al with a beer 75937304

Little seal Al

Genuine contender for best Sunday of all time

Al chiselled this heart stone for me

True love?

Puff Daddy and whoever Willy came as

Celebrating the biggest achievement of my life to date, which was befriending the driver, a fellow TS fan, and getting her to use her influence with the bar staff so Delicate played. The dancefloor cleared and the stage was ours at last.

But it obviously soon descended.


  1. Loving the pics and blog girls! Looks like you’re having the most fun! So jeal about the TS night I bet you rocked the dance floor! Xxx

  2. This gave me very real FOMO. Who are those 2 supermodels in the matching grey vest tops?? <3


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